Multi-table queries, JOIN operator

Multi-table queries

In the previous articles, we described working with only one table of a database. In reality, however, it is very often necessary to make a selection from several tables, somehow combining them. In this article, you will learn the main ways to join tables.

For example, if we want to find out about expenses on purchases, we can do so as follows:

SELECT family_member, amount * unit_price AS price FROM Payments

The family_member field in the resulting selection displays the record identifiers from the Payments table, but they mean little to us.

Instead of these identifiers, it would be much more informative to output the names of those who made the purchases (the member_name field from the FamilyMember table).

This is exactly why table joining and the JOIN operator exist.

The general structure of a multi-table query

SELECT table_fields
FROM table_1
    ON join_condition
[[INNER] | [[LEFT | RIGHT | FULL][OUTER]] JOIN table_n
    ON join_condition]

As can be seen from the structure, joining can be:

  • internal INNER (by default)
  • outer OUTER, in which case the outer connection is divided into LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL.

We will learn in more detail in the next articles what the difference is between internal and external joining and how they work.

For now, it is enough for us to know that for the above example with a query for purchases, we will need an internal connection query that will look like this:

SELECT family_member, member_name, amount * unit_price AS price FROM Payments
INNER JOIN FamilyMembers
    ON Payments.family_member = FamilyMembers.member_id
1Headley Quincey2000
2Flavia Quincey2100
3Andie Quincey100
4Lela Quincey350
4Lela Quincey300
5Annie Quincey100
2Flavia Quincey120
2Flavia Quincey5500
5Annie Quincey230
3Andie Quincey2200
2Flavia Quincey66000
1Headley Quincey40
3Andie Quincey100
3Andie Quincey1200

In this query, we match records from the Payments table with records from the FamilyMembers table.

To make the matching work, we specify how exactly records from two different tables should find each other. This condition is specified after ON:

ON Payments.family_member = FamilyMembers.member_id

In our case, the family_member field points to the identifier in the FamilyMembers table and thus helps to unambiguously match.

In most cases, the connection condition is the equality of columns in tables (table_1.field = table_2.field), but other comparison operators can also be used.

Output of all columns from a table in a multi-table query

Previously, when all queries were executed on one table, it was enough to specify the * character to output all fields from this table. Now, when there can be several tables, * will mean "output all columns from the tables listed in the expression FROM".

In some cases, we may need to output columns belonging only to a particular table. For example, the connection of the Payments and FamilyMembers tables is given, and only the fields from the FamilyMembers table should be output to the final selection. How to do it? It's very simple! It is necessary to add the name of the table before the * symbol:

SELECT FamilyMembers.* FROM Payments
INNER JOIN FamilyMembers
    ON Payments.family_member = FamilyMembers.member_id

Remember this option, you will need it in future tasks 😉

In the same way, you can output all columns from multiple tables:

SELECT Payments.*, FamilyMembers.* FROM Payments
INNER JOIN FamilyMembers
    ON Payments.family_member = FamilyMembers.member_id

In this case, instead of Payments.*, Family Members.* you can use *, because only these two tables are listed in the FROM clause. The output will be the same in both cases.

But what if you need to output several columns from one table and all from another? This is also possible! Output the payment_id and family_member fields from Payments, as well as the fields from FamilyMembers:

SELECT payment_id, family_member, FamilyMembers.* FROM Payments
INNER JOIN FamilyMembers
    ON Payments.family_member = FamilyMembers.member_id

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