Terms of Use

Andrey Vladimirovich Nepein, hereinafter referred to as the Right Holder, addresses this Agreement to any individual or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the User) who enters into the Agreement, fully and unconditionally agreeing to all its terms, specified in this document. This document is a public offer (public proposal), and acceptance (acceptance of terms) of the public offer is the performance of actions provided for by the Agreement (paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

  1. Terms
    1. Terms are used in the Agreement in the following meanings:
      1. Acceptance — full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by performing the actions specified in paragraph 3.1 of the Agreement.
      2. Content - all objects available on the Site, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, databases, and other objects.
      3. Personal Account – a part of the Site closed from public access, access to which is provided to the User using the Account.
      4. License - the right of the User to use the Site with retention by the Right Holder on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license with the right of the Right Holder to grant licenses to other persons.
      5. Offer — this document, posted on the Internet at: https://sql-academy.org/terms-of-use.
      6. Site - an automated information system, accessible on the Internet at (including subdomains): https://sql-academy.org.
      7. User Account - a set of informational data about the User, recorded in digital format and necessary for identifying the User and providing access to his personal data, settings, and content.
  2. Subject of the Agreement
    1. The Agreement defines the terms and conditions of use of the Site at the address: https://sql-academy.org. The subject of the Agreement includes all functions and services of the Site, as well as any development or addition of new ones, explicitly available.
    2. The Right Holder guarantees that he is the holder of exclusive rights to the Site specified in paragraph 2.1 of the Agreement. All exclusive rights to the Site belong to the Right Holder.
  3. Acceptance of the Agreement
    1. The Agreement is considered concluded if the User's registration is completed.
    2. By registering on the Site, the User consents to receive newsletters with news and promotions to the specified email address. Subscription can be canceled at any time through the settings of the Personal Account or via a link in the email.
    3. The User registers a Personal Account on the Site in the following order:
      1. The User visits the Site at the address https://sql-academy.org
      2. Clicks the "Login" button at the top of the Site
      3. Or proceeds to register by clicking the "or register" button and specifies their email address and password for the account. Or uses accounts from third-party authorization services offered on the Site, such as VKontakte and Google.
    4. By performing the actions for accepting the offer, the User confirms their full and unconditional agreement with all the terms of this Agreement and undertakes to comply with them. The Agreement can only be accepted as a whole, without any reservations. (paragraph 1 of Article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The Right Holder and the User are jointly referred to as "Parties," and individually as a "Party."`
    5. This Offer does not have a specially established term for its acceptance. The offer is effective from the moment of its publication (or brought to the attention of the Right Holder in another form), and in terms of amendments - from the date of publication of the relevant changes, - until the day following the day of publication by the Right Holder of a notice of termination of the offer.
    6. The terms of the Agreement may be amended by the Right Holder at any time unilaterally out of court by publishing amendments or a new edition of the Agreement at: https://sql-academy.org/terms-of-use. Changes come into effect for the User from the day following the publication date, provided that the User continues to use the Site after the publication of changes or the acceptance of the updated version of the Agreement. If the User disagrees with the changes made, they must stop using the Site.
  4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
    1. The Right Holder undertakes:
      1. To inform about issues related to the operation of the Site via email and official groups on social networks. Current support service contacts are posted at: https://sql-academy.org.
      2. To ensure the confidentiality and protection of information about the User and information stored by the User as content.
      3. To consult the User on all issues related to the use of the Site.
    2. The User undertakes:
      1. To use the Site only within the limits of the rights and in the ways provided for in the Agreement.
      2. To keep secret and not disclose to third parties information about access to their Account.
      3. To ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained during cooperation with the Right Holder.
      4. Not to use the Site as an object of intellectual property rights in any manner not permitted by the Agreement, in particular, it is forbidden to: reproduce the Site by creating copies on any physical medium, modify, make any changes to the Site and its parts; use the Site to create derivative software products; distribute the Site in any way; remove or modify copyright protection signs; try to bypass technical restrictions (technical copyright protection measures) and use the Site in any other way not provided for by the Agreement; it is forbidden to decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the software, which is an element of the Site; use automated scripts (programs, bots, crawlers) without special permission for collecting information on the Site and/or interacting with the Site and its functionality; remove or modify any trademark, logo, copyright sign and other similar notifications on the Site; it is forbidden to distribute, sell, sublicense, use the software, which is an element of the Site, or in any other way transfer rights to such software; not to use software and not to carry out actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site.
      5. To immediately inform the Right Holder about all known facts of illegal use of the Site by third parties.
      6. To observe property and personal non-property rights of third parties, including copyright and other rights, rights to use images of people, post or distribute on the Site intellectual property of Users and third parties only with compliance with all provisions of the law.
      7. Not to upload, store, publish, distribute, or provide access to any information that: contains threats, discredits, offends, defames the honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of inhuman treatment of animals; contains a description of means and methods of suicide, any incitement to its commission; promotes and/or facilitates the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for committing criminal acts; contains information of limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties;contains advertising or describes the attractiveness of using narcotic substances, including "digital drugs" (audio files that affect the human brain through binaural rhythms), information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and advice on their use; potentially can lead to the commission of unlawful actions by misleading Users or abusing their trust; violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
      8. Not to carry out mass mailings to other users of the Site without their consent.
    3. The Right Holder is entitled to:
      1. Delete the User's Account in case of violation of the Agreement terms by the User or commission of any unlawful actions.
      2. Collect (automatically) information that does not contain personal data and does not allow identifying the user, for the purpose of recognizing the preferences of visitors, sections of the Site that are particularly popular. The collected information cannot identify the User. The User can block the function of collecting and analyzing statistical data related to visiting the Site at any time.
      3. In case of violation of the Agreement by the User, exclusive rights of the Right Holder to the Site, as well as in case of violation of the rights of third parties using the Site by the User, terminate the Agreement, terminate the User's access to the Site, and apply other measures to the User to comply with the requirements of the legislation or rights and legitimate interests of third parties.
      4. Delete user content at the request of authorized bodies or interested parties if such content violates the legislation or rights of third parties.
      5. At any time, stop providing access to the Site, as well as partially restrict or terminate the operation of some functions or services, including, for the purpose of carrying out technical work on the Site.
    4. The User is entitled to:
      1. Use the Site within the limits and in the ways provided for by the Agreement.
  5. User License Conditions
    1. The User is granted a License to use the Site in the volume and manner established by the Agreement, without the right to grant sublicenses.
    2. The License provides for the following ways of using the Site:
      1. Implementation of the available functionality of the Site.
      2. Method of use:
        1. Reading articles in the "Tutorial" section.
        2. Solving tasks presented in the "Trainer" section and in the "Self-check Tasks" section after some articles in the "Tutorial" section.
        3. Obtaining solutions for tasks in the "Trainer" section if a premium account is available.
        4. Viewing the user rating table.
        5. Viewing the main information about users and their activity on the profile page.
        6. Writing and running SQL queries in the "Sandbox" section, as well as distributing the results of the entered User, using the "Share" button.
        7. Downloading received certificates in the "Certificates" section in the User's Personal Account.
        8. Changing account settings in the "Settings" section in the Personal Account.
        9. Restoring the password for the User's account.
    3. No other rights are granted to the User. In particular, the User is not entitled to carry out modification, processing, distribution, and other actions.
    4. At all times, the Site is provided "as is." The Right Holder does not guarantee that the Site meets or will meet the User's requirements, that access to the Site will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably, and without errors.
    5. The User guarantees that they have all the necessary rights to the published materials (user content), which allow placing the material on the Site and using it further considering the functions of the Site. The User is personally responsible for the compliance of the content posted with the requirements of the current legislation, including liability to third parties in cases where the placement of content or the content itself violates the rights and lawful interests of third parties, including personal non-property rights of authors, other intellectual rights of third parties, and/or encroaches on their intangible assets. In case any third party presents a claim to the Right Holder in connection with the violation of the User of the current legislative norms, violation of the rights of third parties (including rights to intellectual property), the User undertakes to compensate the Right Holder for all costs and losses, including paying any compensations and other costs associated with such a claim.
    6. The User grants the Right Holder a simple non-exclusive license to use the Right Holder's User Content with or without the author's name indication, without the obligation to provide reports on the use, without the need to obtain special permission from the User and without paying copyright remuneration, on the territory of the entire world, with the right of the Right Holder to grant the said rights of using the User Content to third parties. The User acknowledges and agrees that the Right Holder is not obligated to review the User Content, and its use may be carried out automatically through software means. The Right Holder is entitled to use the User Content in any way on any information carriers, including: reproduction by recording in computer memory; distribution, processing, bringing to public knowledge, granting the right to use the User Content to third parties; inclusion in advertising materials aimed at promoting the services and products of the Right Holder by including it in a complex or composite work. Subsequently, such advertising materials with included User Content may be used in the following ways: reproduction, distribution, bringing to public knowledge, public display, communication by cable or broadcast. The Right Holder is entitled to use the User Content on the Site, in its other services and applications, in advertising or marketing materials placed on any resources. The license is valid without a time limit. Upon deletion of the User Content from the Site, the Right Holder is entitled to retain archival copies of the User Content and not remove from circulation materials containing it.
  6. Personal Data Processing
    1. Prior to the conclusion of the Agreement, the User as a data subject or representative of the data subject must familiarize themselves with the documents establishing the rules for processing and protecting personal data used by the Right Holder. Personal data is processed by the Right Holder provided there is consent from the data subject for their provision and processing, or if there are other legal grounds for data processing (for example, for the conclusion and performance of the Agreement and other contracts between the Right Holder and data subjects or their representatives).
    2. The Right Holder ensures an adequate level of protection from unauthorized access by third parties to the User's Personal Account.
  7. Liability of the Parties
    1. The Parties are liable for failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and the legislation of Russia.
    2. The Right Holder does not assume responsibility for the Site's compliance with the purposes of use.
    3. The Right Holder is not responsible for technical interruptions in the operation of the Site. At the same time, the Right Holder undertakes to take all reasonable measures to prevent such interruptions.
    4. The Right Holder does not guarantee that the Site will meet the requirements of the User, nor does it guarantee the operability of the Site in conjunction with software and equipment from other manufacturers; does not guarantee that the Site contains no errors, does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of the Site, does not guarantee the preservation of User data; is not responsible for the results obtained during the use of the Site, is not responsible for direct or indirect losses of any kind incurred as a result of using or not using the Site.
    5. The Right Holder does not have the technical and factual ability to check all information posted by the User on the Site for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of the Agreement, as such checking would make it impossible to operate the Site. The Right Holder may take actions to check such content at its discretion. The Right Holder cannot guarantee the compliance of such content with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the absence of violations of the rights and lawful interests of third parties.
  8. Final Provisions
    1. The legislation of the Russian Federation applies to the relations of the Parties under the Agreement.
  9. Addresses and details of the parties Right Holder:
    Andrey Vladimirovich Nepein, INN 290901282410
    [email protected]

Version as of July 1, 2024.

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